GIS Annual General Meeting
The Greek Irish Society
Sunday, 29th May 2016
Athens Centre (19.00hrs)Dear members of the Greek Irish Society,You are cordially invited to the AGM, scheduled to take place as above. Please confirm your attendance by replying to this email.If you would like to join the Committee, we would be delighted to hear from you. You just need to send us an email with your name, contact details and state which position you are interested in.Closing date for nominations is noon, Friday, 20th May.It’s very important that as many members as possible attend the AGM, to enable us to have a quorum count which is required for validation of the AGM. As you are all aware, 2017 will mark the 40th Anniversary of the founding of the Greek Irish Society, all the more reason for members to come along to the AGM to elect a new Committee, so that we can all share in the celebrations to mark this special milestone in the history of the Greek Irish Society!We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, 29th May at 19.00hrs.With thanks for all your continued support,Eileen Morfonoiu and 2015/16 GIS Committee Members.President